Non-QM Loans

Non-QM loans are mortgage loans that do not meet the standards and requirements set by government-sponsored entities (GSE) Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or other government agencies. The term QM stands for qualified mortgage and refers to a type of mortgage that meets the criteria set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Non-QM loans, however, are designed for individuals who do not qualify for QM loans for various reasons.

Differences between Non-QM loans and Traditional Mortgages

1. Eligibility criteria: QM loans’ eligibility criteria are stricter than Non-QM loans. QM loans require borrowers to have a good credit score, a stable income, and a low debt-to-income ratio. In contrast, Non-QM loans are more flexible regarding eligibility criteria and offer more options to those with unique financial situations.

2. Requirements and regulations: QM loans are regulated by various government organizations, including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, whereas Non-QM loans are not. As a result, Non-QM loans typically have higher interest rates and down payment requirements than QM loans. Non-QM lenders are private entities not bound by the same regulatory requirements as QM lenders.

3. Income verification: For QM loans, lenders require borrowers to provide proof of their income, which the underwriter reviews. The lenders primary concern is whether the borrower can make timely payments based on their income. In contrast, Non-QM loans use a more flexible approach to income verification. This allows borrowers with self-employed income, rental income, or other sources that may need to be traditionally verified to qualify for Non-QM loans.

4. Loan characteristics: QM loans have a very specific set of characteristics, such as fixed interest rates, 30-year terms, and limits on points and fees. Non-QM loans, on the other hand, can have various characteristics that can be tailored to fit the borrowers needs. For example, Non-QM loans can have adjustable interest rates, interest-only payment options, and longer loan terms.

5. Risk for lenders: QM loans are considered low-risk due to the strict eligibility requirements and regulations. Non-QM loans are riskier for lenders due to the lack of regulations and the higher likelihood of default. As a result, Non-QM loans typically require larger down payments and higher interest rates than QM loans.

The PROs and CONs of Non-QM Loans

While Non-QM loans offer several advantages, they also come with some drawbacks. Here are the pros and cons of Non-QM loans to help you determine if they are right for you.


1.Flexible eligibility criteria: Non-QM loans have more lenient requirements than traditional mortgages. They often accommodate borrowers with lower credit scores, higher debt-to-income ratios, non-traditional income sources, or a history of bankruptcy or foreclosure.

2. Alternative income documentation: Self-employed individuals and those with irregular income can benefit from Non-QM loans. These loans accept alternative documentation methods to verify income, such as bank statements or profit and loss statements, rather than relying solely on W-2s and tax returns.

3. Loan customization: Non-QM loans provide greater flexibility regarding loan terms and features. They can include adjustable-rate mortgages, interest-only payment options, or longer loan terms, making them adaptable to a borrowers specific needs and preferences.

4. Investment opportunities: Real estate investors and those looking to purchase second homes or vacation properties can benefit from Non-QM loans, as they often allow financing for these properties.

1. Higher interest rates: Because of the risk linked to non-QM loans, lenders usually impose higher interest rates than QM loans. This can result in higher monthly payments and overall costs throughout the life of the loan.
2. Larger down payments: Non-QM loans often require borrowers to make larger down payments, sometimes up to 20% or more. This can make it difficult for some borrowers to afford the upfront costs of purchasing a home.
3. Limited availability: Non-QM loans are provided by private lenders and might not be as broadly accessible as conventional mortgages. This can make it more challenging to find a lender that offers the specific type of Non-QM loan you need.
4. Risk of predatory lending: Due to the lack of strict regulations in the Non-QM market, there is a higher risk of predatory lending practices. Borrowers should carefully research lenders and understand the terms and conditions of their loans before committing.

Understanding the underwriting process of Non-QM loans

The underwriting process for Non-QM loans is an essential step in determining a borrowers eligibility and loan terms. Unlike traditional Qualified Mortgage (QM) loans, which have strict guidelines set by government agencies, Non-QM loans offer more flexibility in their underwriting process. This allows lenders to cater to borrowers with unique financial situations. Here's an overview of the underwriting process for Non-QM loans:

1. Loan application and documentation

The first step in the underwriting process is submitting a loan application and the necessary documentation. Non-QM loans may include alternative forms of income verification, such as bank statements, profit and loss statements, or asset documentation. Borrowers should provide all required documents to ensure a smooth and efficient underwriting process.

2. Credit history review
Lenders will review the borrowers credit history to determine their creditworthiness. While Non-QM loans often accommodate borrowers with lower credit scores, and lenders still consider credit history an essential factor in the underwriting process. A borrowers credit score, payment history, and outstanding debts will be analyzed to assess the risk associated with the loan.

3.Income and employment verification

Non-QM loans cater to borrowers with non-traditional income sources, such as self-employed individuals or those with irregular income. Lenders will verify the borrower’s income and employment using alternative documentation methods, such as bank statements, profit, and loss statements, or asset documentation. This helps the lender determine the borrower's ability to repay the loan.

4. Debt-to-income ratio (DTI) calculation

The debt-to-income ratio is a crucial factor in the underwriting process. It compares the borrowers monthly debt payments to their gross monthly income. Although Non-QM loans may allow higher DTI ratios than traditional mortgages, lenders still use this calculation to ensure borrowers can afford their monthly mortgage payments.

5.Property appraisal and inspection on Non-QM Loans

Lenders will require a property appraisal and inspection to determine the homes value and condition. This step is crucial for ensuring that the property meets the lenders requirements and is worth the requested loan amount.

Loan approval or denial on Non-QM Loans

Once the underwriter has thoroughly reviewed the borrower's credit history, income, employment, DTI ratio, and property appraisal, they will decide whether to approve or deny the loan application. If approved, the underwriter will determine the loan terms, including interest rate, loan term, and any additional conditions or requirements.

Closing process on non-QM Loans

After the loan has been approved, the borrower and lender will proceed with the closing process. This includes signing the final loan documents, paying the required fees, and transferring the property title.

Hard Money Versus Non-QM Loans

Non-QM loans vs. hard money loans – what’s the difference?

Non-QM loans and hard money loans serve as alternative funding solutions for borrowers who might not be eligible for conventional mortgages. While both loan types cater to unique financial situations, they differ significantly.

In the following section, we will make a comparison of Non-QM loans and hard money loans.

Non-QM loans are primarily designed for individuals with non-traditional income sources or those who do not meet the strict eligibility criteria of Qualified Mortgages (QM). Conversely, hard money loans are usually short-term loans utilized by real estate investors for purposes such as property purchases, renovations, or flipping projects. Non-QM loans are offered by private lenders, banks, and credit unions that do not adhere to the strict guidelines of government-backed entities. Hard money loans are provided by private investors or investment companies that focus on the property’s value rather than the borrowers creditworthiness.

Loan terms: Non-QM loans have longer repayment terms, similar to traditional mortgages, usually ranging from 15 to 30 years. In contrast, hard money loans have much shorter terms, typically 6 months to 3 years.

Interest rates: Non-QM loans generally have higher interest rates than traditional mortgages but lower than hard money loans. Hard money loans carry significantly higher interest rates due to the increased risk associated with short-term real estate investments.

Collateral: Non-QM loans use the property purchased as collateral, similar to traditional mortgages. Hard money loans also use the property as collateral. Still, the lender focuses more on the property’s after-repair value (ARV) or loan-to-value (LTV) ratio than the borrowers financial situation.

Approval process: Non-QM loans undergo a more comprehensive underwriting process, including credit checks, income verification, and property appraisals. The approval for hard money loans is quicker, as lenders mainly concentrate on the propertys worth and prospective profitability.

Non-QM loans for self-employed and non-traditional income borrowers

Non-QM loans offer several benefits to self-employed borrowers and those with non-traditional income sources.

Alternative income documentation: Non-QM loans allow alternative income documentation methods, such as bank statements or profit and loss statements. This enables self-employed individuals and those with irregular income to provide proof of their earnings without relying on W-2s or tax returns.

Flexible underwriting guidelines: Non-QM loan underwriting guidelines are more lenient than traditional mortgages, accommodating borrowers with lower credit scores, higher debt-to-income ratios, or past financial challenges like bankruptcy or foreclosure. Customizable loan terms: Non-QM loans offer greater flexibility in loan terms and features, allowing borrowers to choose options that best suit their financial situation, such as adjustable-rate mortgages, interest-only payments, or longer loan terms.

Access to financing: For self-employed individuals and those with non-traditional income sources, Non-QM loans provide an opportunity to obtain financing when traditional mortgage options may not be available due to strict eligibility requirements.

Common Misconceptions About Non-QM Loans

Non-QM Loans Are Only for People with Bad Credit: While non-QM loans can be an excellent option for borrowers with less-than-perfect credit, they are also suitable for self-employed individuals, real estate investors, and others with unconventional income sources.

Non-QM Loans Are Risky: Non-QM loans are not inherently risky; they cater to borrowers who do not fit the traditional mortgage mold. As long as the borrower can demonstrate their ability to repay the loan, non-QM loans can be a safe and viable financing option.

Non-QM Loans Are Hard to Find: While it's true that non-QM loans are less widely available than conventional mortgages, many lenders still specialize in these types of loans. Conducting a brief online search or speaking with a mortgage broker can assist you in locating an appropriate non-QM lending institution.

Non-QM Loans Have Exorbitant Fees: While non-QM loans may have slightly higher fees than conventional mortgages, they are not exorbitant. The fees will depend on the lender, loan type, and borrowers financial profile.

Non-QM Loans Are Only for Residential Properties: Non-QM loans can also be utilized for commercial and mixed-use properties, making them a versatile financing option for various real estate investments.

How to Find a Reputable Lender for Non-QM Loans

Finding a reputable lender for non-QM loans is essential for real estate investors who require alternative financing options. Non-QM loans cater to borrowers with unconventional income sources, less-than-perfect credit scores, or higher debt-to-income ratios. This section will discuss how to find a reputable lender for non-QM loans.

Steps to Find a Reputable Non-QM Lender

Research Online: Search online for non-QM lenders in your area. Look for lenders with positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This can give you an idea of their reputation and customer satisfaction levels.

Ask for Referrals: Contact your acquaintances, relatives, and coworkers to seek their suggestions. They may have experience working with non-QM lenders and can provide valuable insights into their experiences.

Consult a Mortgage Broker: Mortgage brokers have access to various lenders, including those specializing in non-QM loans. By consulting a mortgage broker, you can save time and effort in finding a reputable lender.

Lenders Licensed In Multiple States

Verify Licensing and Accreditation: Ensure the lender youre considering is licensed and accredited to offer non-QM loans in your state. You can check their licensing status through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System & Registry (NMLS).

Compare Loan Terms and Rates: Request quotes from multiple non-QM lenders and compare their interest rates, fees, and loan terms. Doing so will aid you in discovering the most advantageous offer and recognizing possible warning signs, like abnormally high charges or unfavorable conditions.

Ask Questions: Dont hesitate to ask potential lenders about their experience with non-QM loans, their underwriting process, and any additional services they may offer. A reputable lender should be transparent about their processes and willing to address your concerns.

Gustan Cho Associates: Experts in Non-QM Loans

If you need help buying a new property and are considering non-QM loans, Gustan Cho Associates are experts in this field and are available 24/7 to assist with your mortgage needs. With a commitment to providing exceptional customer service and a deep understanding of non-QM loans, Gustan Cho Associates can guide you through the entire process, from getting the loan you need to close on your property.